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Milk Kefir

Milk Kefir

is a fermented milk drink which originated from the north Caucasus Mountains. It is fermented from kefir grains which are a combination of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in a matrix of proteins, lipids and sugars. It tastes like your regular Greek Yoghurt with lots of probiotics and nutrients.

For more information on Milk Kefir, including its experimental benefits, please click HERE

    Suggested Consumption:

    To start your day with a bottle of Milk Kefir on an empty stomach. If you are new to it, start with a small quantity to get your body used to it.


    *Pls. note that information provided by Craft & Culture is not intended to treat or diagnose physical medical conditions. In the event that any adverse reactions occur, please exercise good judgement and decide if medical attention is required.

    Disclaimer: All experimental benefits listed can vary from person to person. Our products are helpful for many but may have no effect on some. 


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