News — Collaboration

Craft & Culture Partners with Bank of Singapore!

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This is the first year that Bank of Singapore (BOS) has started their Charity Festival and we, at Craft & Culture are proud to be part of it, doing our little bit for Charity, in providing our well-received Matcha and Houjicha Milk Kefir Froyos to the BOS staff. People loved it so much that they chilled at our booth and bought lots of brews back home for their families.

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Craft & Culture X Disney Singapore

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Since talks began several months ago, we've been eagerly preparing for this collaboration. Craft & Culture are partners with Disney and Lucasfilms for their Healthy Initiative to provide delicious kombuchas and milk kefir soft serve to their hundreds of their employees over 2 campuses

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Craft & Culture x Mahota x DBS Regatta 2018!

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Featuring Craft & Culture in collaboration with Mahota at the DBS Marina Regatta 2018! An event filled with Kombucha on Tap, Milk Kefir Froyos, organic food by Mahota, Dragon boat races, fitness challenges, last but not least, Joseph Schooling demonstrating his sandwich making skills!

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Craft & Culture Collaborates with Takashimaya!

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As part of Takashimaya's 25th year in Singapore, Craft & Culture was specially invited to be a part of their Health and Beauty Fair from April 18-May 6! We are one of two F&B partners invited, so we were truly honoured! 

To celebrate, we created 2 special Japanese-themed flavours, Matcha & Houjicha and also own bragging rights to the


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Craft & Culture SG X FRESH Inc Collaboration | Media Launch at Como

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Craft & Culture with Fresh Founders Alina & Lev

Craft & Culture is super excited to be collaborating with Fresh, Sephora Asia's best-selling Skin Care Brand! We have created a custom-blend of Kombucha, which will be provided during their media launch of their Kombucha Black Tea range of products in the month of January.

The media launch event was held at Como Dempsey, which boasts of a gorgeous airy space. Zhiwei and myself will be giving a short 15-20 minute sharing on Kombucha and what its all about. We arrived early to carbonate our Fresh Flavour (Mandarin Orange and Lychee) and Original Black tea kombucha kegs and got our kegerators set up.

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